Acoustic Monitoring / Environmental Protection / Survey Boat Operations
Coastal assisted with the demolition and replacement of Pier 32 at the US Navy Submarine Base New London (SUBASE) in Groton, CT. The new, larger pier was constructed to accommodate Virginia Class submarines and all current Navy nuclear powered fast-attack submarine pier standards. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) an environmental assessment (EA) was performed prior to construction. The EA proposed a plan to minimize environmental impact during construction that included active marine life surveys, acoustic monitoring during the pile-driving stage, and timing construction so as to not interfere with fish spawning cycles. Coastal teamed with E4 Sciences to provide consistent, reliable monitoring and feedback that allowed the project to carried out sustainably with little impact to the local ecosystem.

Above and underwater bulkhead replacement.

PE Diver inspections, underwater inspections, QA/QC inspections.